A website should be easy to use for just about anyone visiting the site. For example, if you are going to sell products on your site, the visitor should be able to easily locate the products they are looking for. This is very true if your site offers a lot of products. Take for example furniture items. There are different types of furniture that you might be selling and you cannot just mix them all together. You have to group them into several categories, each of which should have a link from the homepage. This way, your site's visitors would have no trouble narrowing down their search even without resorting to the search function of your website if it has one.
Apart from grouping your products into different categories if needed, you also have to make sure that the link to each category is placed in a conspicuous place in your site's home page. You do not need any fancy scripts or animation on your site to gain the attention of most of your visitors. Also, serious buyers would be more focused on finding what they are looking for instead of watching animations or fancy gifs. The presence of such sleazy elements might even turn them off.
If your site is not about selling products and instead all about sharing information, make sure that the information they are looking for would be easy to find. The less clicks it take them to navigate to where they wanted to go in your site, the better it is.
Keep in mind that each visitor has his or her own style and what you think looks good for your site may not be pleasing to them. You have to be on the safe side of course to make sure that you do not antagonize your site's visitors. And it is best to listen to your web designer's input on designing your website especially if the web design company has a good track record in designing sites which convert visitors to customers. Article Directory : http://www.articlecube.com
Curtis Jackson's new fascination, web design has taken him into a new journey of education. When not studying about web design, he finds time to share what he has learned by writing articles about Santa Barbara web design.View the original article here
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