miercuri, 29 decembrie 2010

De ce sa cumparati o BANDA de ALERGARE?

Progresul tehnologiei combinat cu costurile de productie reduse ? toate acestea va spun ca puteti acum sa cumparati o banda de alergare pentru uz la domiciliu cu control gradient, cu programe presetate si o functionare care este extrem de apropiata de benzile de alergare comerciale de calitate pentru mai putin de 1000Euro!

Ceea ce este foarte bine, pentru ca alergatul si urcatul dealurilor reprezinta forme foarte bune de antrenament cardiovascular si ambele sunt eficiente atat in controlul greutatii cat si in reducerea grasimii din corp. O banda buna de alergare poate oferi un nivel de amortizare atat de ridicat incat face ca cei mai exotici pantofi de sport sa dea senzatia unui flip-flop, fara sa trebuiasca sa cauti rutele fara trafic si poluare, dar sigure, mai ales pentru femei in serile de iarna.

Dar benzile de alergare presupun o tehnologie mai complexa decat celelalte tipuri de echipament? (cum ar fi cross trainers (bicicletele), ceea ce inseamna ca trebuie sa te gandesti bine inainte de a te repezi sa cumperi acel produs)

Foarte important cand cumparati o banda de alergare:

Asigurati-va ca banda de alergare se vinde impreuna cu o garantie a service-ului, pentru ca multe marci de import se vand doar cu garantia pieselor (doar nu vreti sa schimbati un nou motor chiar d-voastra, etc). Asigurati-va ca garantia nu se ofera cu intoarcerea la baza (d-voastra platiti transportul), intrebati daca inginerul vine la d-voastra acasa sa faca reparatia.

Este important sa cumparati un produs cu nume de marca cunoscut “high street” pentru care se ofera service adecvat in toata tara. Astfel, daca vanzatorul cu amanuntul dispare, garantia d-voastra este totusi valabila la producator. Acum multi producatori ofera garantii pentru toata viata aparatului pentru motor si o garantie prelungita pentru structura si componente.

* Dimensiuni generale – Verificati daca se incadreaza in locul in care doriti sa-l puneti (langa o sursa de energie) cu destul loc pentru a va urca si coborati de pe aparat. Daca locul este mic, ganditi-va si la benzile de alergare rabatabile.
* Puterea motorului – Ar trebui sa aiba cel putin 2.0 cai putere si sa aiba un bun efort de torsiune (la viteze foarte mici, cureaua nu trebuie sa incetineasca cand pasiti pe ea)
* Amortizarea si stabilitatea benzii – Cum te simti cand alergi pe banda de alergare? O banda buna de alergare ar trebui sa ofere o amortizare excelenta, dar sa nu scuture, sa nu agite, sa nu faca zgomote sau sa vibreze la fiecare pas.
* Cureaua sau banda de rulare – verificati daca banda este destul de lata (se recomanda de la 40cm in sus) si destul de lunga pentru a se adapta stilului d-voastra de alergat fara sa aveti crampe si sa se miste lin pentru punte, chiar si cand mergeti la viteza mica.
* Viteza maxima – Asigurati-va ca este cu cel putin 3Km/ora mai mare decat pasul d-voastra obisnuit de alergat? pentru ca motoarele benzilor de alergare care sunt folosite la viteze maxime pe perioade lungi nu vor rezista prea mult.
* Gradientul maxim (inclinarea) -? Gradiente maxime mai mari, de ex. 12%+ sunt folositoare pentru exercitiile de mers. Mai verificati si cat de repede se schimba gradientul cand apasati butonul!
* Pupitru feedback si usurinta utilizarii – cat de clare si inteligibile sunt informatiile de pe afisaj? Cat de usor este accesul la programe (daca exista)? Daca sunt butoanele destul de vizibile si usor de folosit?
* Programele – multe benzi de alergare ofera antrenamente la intervale anume, curse de alergat in panta sau va dau posibilitatea sa va creati propriul d-voastra program de alergat/ mers. Unele mai afiseaza si controlul ritmului cardiac.
* Zgomotul – cat de zgomotoasa este banda de alergat mai ales la viteze mai mari? Benzile de alergare mai silentioase de obicei au un standard mai ridicat de structura si motor.
* Rabatarea – Se rabateaza banda de alergare pentru a putea fi depozitata?
* Standardul structurii – Structurile sudate sunt mai bune decat structurile prinse cu suruburi (suruburile se pot desprinde sub presiune si greutate mare) iar banda de alergare nu trebuie sa se scuture vizibil cand calcati pe ea (este semnul unei constructii fragile)!

duminică, 12 decembrie 2010

Things you should know about your site’s WYSIWYG editor

Things you should know about your site's WYSIWYG editor

WYSIWYG means ‘what you see is what you get’. In the context of a website it means a form of text input that allows some formatting similar to word processing software (see the above image). So unlike a regular text area you can do great things like bold, italic, hyperlinks, tables, etc. More advanced editors will even let you create forms, tables and upload images. Such editors are great as they allow people with little or no web design knowledge to add content that is far more interesting than plain text to their site. Sometimes though, a WYSIWYG editor can give you too much control—and lead to problems. So here are some things you should know about your site’s WYSIWYG editor.

Giving design control someone who isn’t a designer

If you don’t have an eye for design you could end up creating a page that is out of keeping with the rest of the site. The tendency can be to go overboard and use text sizes, colours and typefaces that aren’t used elsewhere in the site. It ends up giving your site an amateur feel. A good web designer will configure the editor so that it only allows you the options you need.

Paste from Word and other applications

There is a tendency with WYSIWYG editors to paste large chunks of text from other applications. The editor tries to copy all the styles as closely as possible. You end up with a similar result to that mentioned in the previous section: an inconsistent and amateur web page. Many editors have a ‘paste as plain text’ option (see below). This removes all extraneous style information from the text. A WYSIWYG editor works better when using its native style controls so always input text directly or paste as plain text.

User input

If your site has an editor on the front–end and you don’t screen their input correctly they could very easily upload malicious script information to your site. This could cause the site to display incorrectly and/or cause visitors’ browsers to issue a warning when your site is visited. Ask your web designer to remove all

10 Tips on designing a fast loading web site

The Number 1 rule that every web designer should follow is to create a fast loading web site. You might have a great design but very few people are going to see it if it takes a long time to load. While designing a web site always think about how long it will take to load. Try out our tips to build a great looking web site that also loads fast.
  1. Minimize the use of images - The key to a fast loading web site is to minimize the use of images. Images do enhance a page but don't make 80% of your web site only images. Instead break it down as much as possible to simple HTML. Notice the popular sites like Yahoo, Google, Ebay, Amazon etc., they have very few images because the load time is more important. Very often simple designs are the best.

  2. Optimize images for the web - Once you have decided on the images that you need on your site, make sure that it is optimized for the web. They should be in the gif or jpeg format. You can also minimize the size of the image by choosing the number of colors you need, from the color palette. The less the colors you choose, the less the size of the image. You can also use online tools like Gif Wizard to optimize your images or to get a recommendation on how to cut down the size of an image.

  3. Use Tables creatively - You can get some great looking designs by using tables creatively . Tables load very fast because it is just HTML code. Tables can be used in the homepage, menus or anywhere you like. Check out our homepage and our menus to see how we have used tables in our site.
    Read more on Using HTML Tables Creatively

  4. Cut down the use of animated gifs - Don't use animated gifs unless it is necessary. Animated gifs take a long time to load and can also be very irritating. But since they catch your attention you could use small animated gifs to draw a visitor's attention to a particular section of your site.

  5. Design simple icons - Instead of using big, bulky images use simple and small icons that add a little color and draw the attention of a visitor. We have used small icons in our homepage to highlight the main sections of our site.

  6. Use background images instead of big images whenever possible - Use background images whenever possible. This is usually a very useful tip for headers and footers. Instead of using an image of width 580 which is a uniform design you can use just a part of that as a background fill. This reduces the size of the web page as the image is small. The code will look like this :

  7. Try out CSS Styles - Have fun with CSS styles to get some cool text effects. Again, a CSS Style is simple HTML code so it loads very fast. You can create cool rollovers using CSS Styles.
    Rollover the text on the right menu to see how we have used CSS Styles to get a simple but nice text effect.
    Check out our CSS Styles tutorial for more cool tips on CSS Styles

  8. Use Flash sparingly - There seems to be a lot of hype about Flash but I recommend that you minimize the use of Flash on a site. Don't make entire sites using Flash. It may look great but it takes hours to load and can really put off visitors. If you do want to use Flash use it within an HTML site and make sure it loads fast.

  9. Design most of your site in HTML - As much as possible try to design your site using HTML. You can create great designs by just using HTML code. Use tables, CSS Styles and simple fonts to design your site. Minimize the use of animated gifs, Flash, bulky images etc.

  10. Keep checking your load time - Last but not least, before you decide on the final design of your web site, check its load time on NetMechanic. This site gives you a free analysis of your web site which is extremely useful. We kept using it to improve our site till we got a report that said good loading time!

We learnt these tips while building our web site. We've enjoyed sharing them with you and hope that you found them useful.

sâmbătă, 11 decembrie 2010

BaseKit Review And GIVEAWAY

Today we have another exciting giveaway for our loyal WebDesignDev readers. Our giveaway comes from BaseKit.

***THIS GIVEAWAY HAS ENDED***. Thank you all who commented.

To enter: post a comment about why you need to build a website followed by why you want to use BaseKit. The first 10 to leave their comments will win.

A few words about our sponsors:

It seems that every few weeks another web application comes along promising to revolutionize the entire world. Occasionally they do, but most don’t quite have the impact they promise and some just fizzle out.

BaseKit don’t want to revolutionize the entire world. What they want to do is make life easier for those who are unable to code or don’t want to. Unlike before, they can build a website with maximum design in minimum time.

BaseKit allows you to create a website in Photoshop, so that designers can illustrate their creative flair to its full potential without being restricted by the boundaries of coding. They’ve found that creating a great looking Photoshop design is the fun part of building a site. Slicing, turning it into code, adding functionality, uploading to a server and actually getting it online isn’t so great.

BaseKit takes that process and makes it as simple as possible. It’s as straightforward as flattening your PSD, splitting it into named layers and uploading it to BaseKit.

You can also drag fully functional widgets such as galleries, forms, Twitter feed, videos etc into the site, edit the design on the fly and publish to the web with two clicks. Your site is now online and the code is W3C web compliant.

Recently they launched their Plastic release with great functionality improvements, such as new Embed Widget, which allows you to embed your own Javascript code (or other HTML) directly onto your BaseKit page. In addition, you can easily embed 3rd party widget (from providers like Google or Widgetbox), or craft your own widgets directly in BaseKit. Furthermore, you can also add scripts to the header or body of your site by visiting the Page Options lightbox. The Embed widget opens up BaseKit to a full range of services like E-commerce, AdSense, music players and more.

Check out this video for a better look at what BaseKit can do.

They are offering a set of 10 vouchers of Plus account for £1 month over 3
months worth £30. A plus account enables you to build 3 websites with
unlimited pages, 1GB storage and your own domain. To enter post a
comment about why you need to build a website followed by why you
want to use BaseKit
. The first 10 to leave their comments will win.

View the original article here

Complete Webhosting Business Structure by AtomBull

Start Your Own Webhosting Business even within 15 minutes! Complete Webhosting Business Structure, in other words - all you to start a successful webhosting business, including billing automation and support systems, website and contents.

Check it out!

Totul despre balonare

Balonarea este cauzata de o anumita afectiune sau este o consecinta a unui stil alimentar dezordonat. Daca senzatia de balonare este repetitiva, in ciuda regimului alimentar optim, este important sa va adresezi unui medic specialist pentru a depista daca exista probleme digestive si cum pot fi tratate. Balonarea se manifesta prin gaze in exces in tubul digestiv, in special in stomac si intestine. In cazuri de balonare persistenta, este recomandata o detoxifiere de 2-3 ori pe an, necesitate prezenta in special dupa varsta de 35 de ani, cand problemele digestive devin mai frecvente.

Tips for designing fast loading websites Posted By : Vibe Graphics

Websites have been in great demand for any company to survive in the market and attract new and potential customers towards the products and services of a company. Many website designing professionals or individuals are providing the facility of designing a fast loading website in UK. As having a great website design is of no use if a few people are able to see it due to long time in loading. There are some of the tips to be considered while designing a website that loads faster. First of all is minimizing the use of images, it makes the page heavier; one has to break it down into simple HTML. Keep in mind the major sites like Google, yahoo having few images because the loading time is really important.

Once you have decided the images to be used in the website, you need to optimize them for the web, whether in gif or jpeg format. Another thing which you can do is minimize the size of the image by choosing the specific colors from the color palette. One can also make use of table creatively, as they load very fast, because it is just HTML code. Design simple and small icons instead of big and bulky ones. Try using background images whenever required to be used in the place of big images, it is helpful to headers and footers as well. Try using CSS styles to get cool text effects and get an attractive and sophisticated look of your web design. You can create cool rollovers using CSS which gives simple but nice effects. You have to minimize the use of flash in your website design if you want to make your site load faster. Do not make your whole site in flash, you can design most of the part in HTML; otherwise it would take hours to load. You can create great design using HTML code, using CSS styles, simple fonts and tables may help you in creating a good website. You should minimize the use of animated files, flash and bulky images. Article Directory : http://www.articlecube.com

Come to us at Vibe graphics and get your website design needs solved in the most consistent manner with great Web Design layout. We at Vibe graphics incorporate dazzling website titles in our websites.

View the original article here

vineri, 10 decembrie 2010

Der Millionaer

Der Millionaer - seine Online-Strategien - werde reich im Internet

Check it out!

40+ Excellent Examples of Magnificent Photo Realistic Paintings

Photorealism is the genre of painting based on using the camera and photographs to gather information and then from this information, creating a painting that appears to be very realistic. The term is primarily applied to paintings from the United States art movement that began in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Photorealism has strive its way through many obstacles to justify its existence however critics sternly suggest that, there is no valid reason why photorealistic should be appreciated because it has no difference to the original photograph.

While some critics only recognize the technique and skills of photorealism painters, they have got different point of view. For the painters this genre is about more than reproducing photograph. The painter insert and touch up the subject with full discretion, creating a whole new piece of work with different impact compared to the original photographs. In this article i have collected more than 40 magnificent examples of photorealism for your inspiration.

Dustin Betonio begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting is a Translation Management graduate at University of Mindanao. His earlier career was devoted on customer service outside the information highway. Currently studying Law in the same University.

View the original article here

FlashUSAMap and FlashWorldMap Review and GIVEAWAY (3 copies of each)


Aaaand the winners are:

Our sponsor will get in touch with you soon. If you didn’t win, don’t worry! Our kind sponsor has provided us with an awesome 25% off coupon: OFF25 – it works on either the USA or World map.  It is valid through the end of October.


We have an exciting new giveaway today. As web developers, you’ve probably encountered situations where you need to visualize geographic information.  Maybe, you’re a non-profit that wants to highlight the differences in child mortality rates across the globe.  Maybe, you’re working for a client who has offices in some states but not others. Or, perhaps, you run a travel directory and want to map available destinations.
Regardless of your situation, integrating a map into your website can be daunting.  What are your options?  You could make an HTML image map.  But, that takes time, is difficult to edit, and is a static solution.  You could use Google maps.  Sometimes that’s the right choice but it could be overkill and it doesn’t always look professional.

You should consider an interactive flash map.  But, who has the time or expertise to build one from scratch?  Fortunately, you can buy an out-of-the-box solution that allows you customize the map’s content and design.  That’s where this week’s giveaway sponsor comes in.  FlashUSAMap.com and FlashWorldmap.com sell clickable interactive maps that are easy to customize by editing a simple XML file.  You don’t need any Flash experience to customize your own map and installation is as easy as uploading some files and copying and pasting some code.

Each map includes informational pop-ups upon mouse hover that you can create using HTML and CSS (see screenshot).  The world map also allows you to include pinpoint locations based on latitude and longitude.  There are lots of features, so to get a feel for the maps you should check out the demos for the flash us map and the flash world map.  These maps typically retail for $59 and $199 respectively.  However, we’ve been given 3 copies of each map to give away to our readers.

The Prizes:
3 Licenses for the FlashUSAmap (each good for use one one site)
3 Licenses for the FlashWorldMap (each good for use on one site)

To ENTER: Post a comment stating which map you’d like and how you plan to use it.  You can request both maps if you’d use them. Please use a real email address; otherwise we won’t be able to contact you.

This giveaway ends on 9/30/2010 at noon EST.

View the original article here

Web Content Management System Is A Complete Platform Posted By : PeterBrowns

Creating a website powered content management is often a time consuming process, especially if the project is sophisticated and important to your business. So we want to make sure you are using the right system for your particular requirements.

Depending on the needs of a client, a designer can produce a single page with minimal information (contact details, hours of operation, instructions and similar major events) or a complex multi-page site made for use by many people. The type of web page design in question is going to be dictated by the scope of the requested site and the particular needs of the customer. For a relatively small site will not change much, traditional HTML is quite useful, but for a larger site and more complicated, a CMS or content management system can be a good idea.

Systems of this type usually also use a database to store the devices, content and other information that the system might need - usually in XML format. Then, there is a presentation layer based on a set of web design templates to actually show the content to viewers of the website. Plug-ins and modules can be added to extend the functionality of the site, and activates the CMS software is regularly updated to keep the website up to current standards.

For example, a company that wishes to use an animation / flash gallery to showcase their work. With CMS you can add pictures, art galleries and testimonials as often as they like and immediately, as needed. You are no longer at the mercy of waiting for someone else to make changes to your site. In fact, since it is web based, updates can be done using a smart phone (iPhone, Blackberry, etc), while in the field.

Joomla on the other side can be used to develop a robust dynamic web site. It goes beyond blogs and may be the ideal solution for creating a Web site e-commerce. The only serious drawback is that Joomla is not easy to customize. So if you are looking to customize the appearance, functionality and usability of the website may not be easy to achieve.

How easy it is for users to upload files, including images to the site? Can users create image galleries, video clips or insert other media files easily? How easy it is for the user to edit images on the CMS? Some can not cope with onboard image editing, and forced users to use images optimized and may involve a higher level of skill and takes longer.

Is it easy to insert script to a page, for example, a tracking code? Can the user control the placement of other external script such as the Google AdSense code?

Another interesting feature of Joomla is the central system customization. By replacing the code can change the default layout of most types of page. If this is not enough you can modify any file of Joomla to achieve the desired functionality. For this type of customization that you need to take into account that any update can overwrite the modified files. But if you are an expert web developer will not be a problem. Since Joomla is an open source platform can modify it as you like. Most customizations can be done without knowing any of the web languages, but if you know you will have a very easy and pleasant. Article Directory : http://www.articlecube.com

Proofcms is the website content management system and cms content management provided by Mobile Applications Development

View the original article here

Easy Ebook Seller

Ebooks verkaufen war noch nie einfacher. Dieses Tool vereinfacht und verkuerzt Produktionszeiten um Tage wenn nicht sogar Wochen und Monate.

Check it out!

joi, 9 decembrie 2010

40+Websites Providing Useful and Free 3D Models

3D models can be really useful to kick start a modeling process, but where can you find well crafted high quality models to use? Models that other people have created can also be great for learning some new techniques and being inspired for creating your own creations.  There is certainly a large demand for 3D models, and a several websites have surfaced to meet the demands.

Today, 3D models are used in a wide variety of industries. The movie industry uses them as characters and objects for animated and real-life motion pictures. The video game industry uses them as assets for computer and video games. The architecture industry uses them to demonstrate proposed buildings and landscapes through Software Architectural Models. The medical industry uses detailed models of organs. Finally it is quite common that 3D models are used in web designs main based on Flash technology. For this article I have compiled a list of more than 40 great websites that are providing free 3D models. Hope you find them useful and that you will leave a comment if there is a site I should to add to the list.

3DM3 has a large collection of free 3d models in addition to their tutorials.

3D Total provides free stuff on 3D model in categories of human characters, household, body parts, vehicles, weapons, alien characters, architecture, medieval, cartoon, star wars, scenes, animals, sci-fi, low-polu and mechaniods.

Free 15000+ 3D models for download without registration required.

Rafeec Tech are called upon as one of the most prominent Heat Exchangers Drafting Services from India. Especially, Our 2D Heat Exchanger drafting services include: Assembly & every part detail and drafting service and Calculation include then various detail drawings and all kind of mechanical drawings process successfully. We can modify drawing or create new ones, to your standards and we use the latest CAD tools. Rafeec Tech provide high quality 2D mechanical Drafting in CAD as per clients’ requirements.

TurboSquid is the largest library of 3D products in the world. They offes over 300 free 3D models for download.

Free 3D models download.

The Google 3D Warehouse is a online repository of 3D models.

3DXtras.com offers thousands of free 3d models to download in .MAX, .3ds and other formats, you may use these models freely in your own work as royalty free.

Artist-3D has a large collection of free noncommercial 3D models.

You may use these models (meshes) royalty-free in your own work to create 2D images, animations, print graphics or web graphics. You may also include them as part of your software package in a proprietary format with credits and written permission from Amazing 3D Graphics, Inc.

These models are for anybody that uses a 3D software package. Most of the models are in the common .3ds format, which can be read by most 3D programs. Some models, however, are in their original .lwo, .fbx, or .obj formats to preserve details that would be lost in conversion.

A collection of 3ds ,max ,prj and obj files for you to use in diffrent applications of 3d programs.

All 3d models are free for any type of use (c/p). The version one is collection of very useful and handy 3d models in .3ds format.

Download 3D models from a catalog of the highest quality online.

A community exchanging free 3d models for usage.

Enchance the new 3d features of Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended version! Download free 3d models from Adobe-Tools.

Over 5000 free 3D models for furniture, textures, CAD in .3ds, .max and .dxf.

Delicious free 3d models.

Model formats: Max, 3ds, car, wire, jas, c4d, daz, dwg.

Download Free 3D CAD models.

Download free 3D Models, no registration required, no email required, just click and download our free 3D models.

The objects are freely usable for your personal or commercial 3D art and animations. The 3D models are available in POV-Ray, Cinema 4D and/or Wavefront OBJ formats.

Free 3D Models for Autodesk Maya, 3D Studio Max and other 3D programs – Free models for beginners to advanced users of Autodesk Maya 3D animation and special effects software program.

Free the models is a site that offers royalty free 3d models in 3ds, bryce, poser, lightwave and md2 format. Also a great collection of textures to use in your favorite modeling and rendering program.
All the content is free for any use.

The ultimate 3D Sci-Fi resources.

Download over 1500 high quality 3d model files free of charge. Most models are available in Max, Dxf, 3ds, Obj. 3D formats for Pc, Mac and Unix platforms. In this collection you can find cars, humans, ships, animals and much more.

Kit3dmodels, a great collection of 3d furniture, lamps and accesories.

Free 3D models in diferent formats.

3DModelSharing.com is a showcase of CAD related media. 3DModelSharing invite you to browse through their library of hundreds of different CAD files.

3D ContentCentral® is a free service for locating, configuring, downloading, and requesting 3D parts and assemblies, 2D blocks, library features, and macros. Join an active community of 493,038 CAD users who share and download user contributed and supplier-certified 3D parts & assemblies, 2D blocks, library features and macros.

The models range in detail from very simple formal massing models of just a few blocks, through basic interior/exterior spatial walkthrough models, up to detailed interior/exterior models complete with furnishings and landscaping.

Model formats: Max, 3ds, mb, cob, obj

Rocky3d specializew in providing the finest useful 3D models for your scenes and animations. They have thousands of models (many of which are FREE!) ranging from small but useful objects.

This site provides large models to researchers in computer graphics and related fields.

A source of high quality 3D models and free section contains some models, which you can download gratis, they are free of charge.

Free Poser Downloads include free 3D models, free Poser body morphs, free Poser face morphs, free poses, free 3D clothing library, free Poser python scripts, free Poser light sets, free Poser face room module, free Poser face poses, free Poser character poses, free figure texture maps, free clothing textures, & more.

3DVIA is the newest of Dassault Systèmes’ 6 brands. Their mission is to extend 3D content creation and experience to new businesses and consumers with the goal of utilizing 3D as their common language.

Cadalyst offers worlds largest selection of free 3D models, textures, tutorials, plugins an dupdates for 3D studio and lightwave 3D.

A small archive of 3D models that Digital Animators has obtained over the years. Digital Animators has gone ahead and catagorized them by catagory for your visual preferences.

Free 3D models for vehicles.

Dustin Betonio begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting is a Translation Management graduate at University of Mindanao. His earlier career was devoted on customer service outside the information highway. Currently studying Law in the same University.

View the original article here

Free Website Templates – Learn Where to Find Them

 We are excited to announce the launch of WebsiteTemplatesOnline.com, a new recourse for web designers, bloggers and everyone looking for Free Website Templates. The new website provides XHTML/CSS valid website templates only, but the best thing is that all templates are free to download and use.

As you may know, a website template is a web page design that makes it easy to start a new website or blog. Each template can be edited to fit your needs, and therefore a new website can be built in a matter of hours if not minutes.

Below you’ll find a list of Free Website Templates that are offered on the new website. Why don’t you check them out so you can have an idea of what designs you can get for free?

As WebsiteTemplatesOnline.com claims to provide a wide choice of freebies, we’ll feature 5 Website Templates in different categories, such as business, real estate, travel, sport, cars, music, holidays, animals and pets, etc. Please keep in mind, all templates are free for everyone, but the footer links should be left as is.


These are just a few of many website templates that are available free of charge. For the full list of Free Website Templates, please visit WebsiteTemplatesOnline.com. And the last thing to mention, the new website is updated daily and welcomes new entries. So, you can not only download Free Website Templates, but also submit your own ones.

View the original article here

Einmaliges Deutsches Master Reseller Paket!

Das wahrscheinlich groeßte Sortiment hochwertiger Deutscher Master-Reseller-Produkte bringt Ihnen ab sofort 100% Gewinn. Ebooks, Software, Templates, Programme, Skripte und vieles mehr in diesem Paket. Insgesamt über 2000 Mb!

Check it out!

Web Design Tips For Small Businesses Posted By : Curtis Jackson

Going online to promote your brand or your products is the most popular route taken by entrepreneurs today. It is easier after all to set up an online shop compared to building a brick and mortar store from the ground up. Even if you are aiming to start a small business, the cost of building a store or renting a place for your business along with all the paperwork involved would take a lot more money and effort compared to setting up an online shop. Also, the potential for creating a buyer base is bigger online since your shop will not be limited by geographical constraints.

If you can clearly see the advantage of taking your business online, there are several things that you need to understand when it comes to building a site. For one, remember that you should design your site for potential customers, your site's visitors, and not for you. So while you may like cats a lot, you should never use the picture of your cat on your website, unless of course you are selling cat-related products or services.

It is better to work with an expert web design company than to try making the website on your own using whatever software you can find online to build the site. They would know how to design a website that would be up to par with the standards of good websites. Also, a good web design company would be able to help you plan out the layout and organization of your website. This means that with their help, you would be able to create a better website compared to what you can do using templates found on the web.

When planning and researching on starting a website, you would meet words like user-friendly, and SEO, and content. You have to take these three things seriously if you want your website to be popular and be a success. Your website should be easy to use even for people who are not internet savvy. It should be well organized so that everyone visiting the site would be able to easily find what they are looking for.

As for SEO, the website should be coded so that search engine bots would have an easy time reading the content of your site. This would make it easier for them to know what your site is all about thus making it easier for your site to rank for keywords you are targeting with the help of the content in your site. Article Directory : http://www.articlecube.com

Curtis Jackson's new fascination, web design has taken him into a new journey of education. When not studying about web design, he finds time to share what he has learned by writing articles about web design Ventura.

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Lasting Intimate Secrets

Be a gallant Lover, Spouse, and Friend. Make love exciting again for you & your partner. Renew fun, passion, & togetherness, and be thoroughly romantic as you lift your emotional & physical intimacy to much higher states. Enjoy Lasting Intimate Secrets!

Check it out!

50 Beautiful Examples of Underwater Photography

Underwater photography is the process of taking photographs while under water. It is usually done while scuba diving, but can be done while snorkeling, swimming or while staying in a submarine. Underwater imaging is considered a really challenging area of photography, since it requires very specialized equipment and techniques to be successful. Despite these challenges, it offers the possibility of many exciting and rare photographic opportunities. Animals such as fish and marine mammals are the most common subjects, but photographers also pursue shipwrecks, submerged cave systems, underwater "landscapes", and portraits of fellow divers.

The primary obstacle faced by underwater photographers is the extreme loss of color and contrast when submerged to any significant depth. Underwater photographers solve this problem by combining two techniques. The first is to get the camera as close to the photographic subject as possible, minimizing the horizontal loss of color. This is best achieved by using wide-angle lenses, which allow very close focus, or macro lenses, where the subject is often only inches away from the camera. The second technique is the use of flash to restore any color lost vertically through the water column. Fill-flash, used effectively, will "paint" in any missing colors by providing full-spectrum visible light to the overall exposure.

In this article we will feature 50 Beautiful examples of Underwater Photography.

Dustin Betonio begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting is a Translation Management graduate at University of Mindanao. His earlier career was devoted on customer service outside the information highway. Currently studying Law in the same University.

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Clonarea unei imagini (persoane/ obiect)

In acest tutorial vei invata cum poti sa te clonezi intr'o
singura poza. Mai exact, intr'un singur cadru vei aparea in diferite poziti de mai multe ori.

Recomandari :

Pozele sa fie facute consecutiv pe modul automatic al aparatului - sau - sa fie facute din acelasi unghi  si exact din acelasi loc.Luminozitatea pozelor sa fie pe cat posibil aceeasi. Folositi un trepied pentru a realiza pozelePastrati distanta intre poza1 / poza2 / poza3.Realizati pozele la rezolutia maxima posibila.

Incalcarea recomandarilor va duce la o realizare proasta a pozei finale. Orice gresala poate fi remediata in Photoshop, dar necesita mult timp.

Sa incepem,

Am 3 poze in ipostaze diferite - in acelasi loc :

Puse una peste alta cu decupajele de rigoare - ar trebui sa arate astfel :

Cu toate ca am ales un cadru cam prost : apare reflectia in masa - sunt umbre pe pereti - totusi am reusit.

In primul rand - deschidem cele 3 poze in Adobe Photoshop.

Alegem una din ele (oarecare) ca "poza de baza" / "workspace" - spatiul de lucru.

Le copiem toate in baza - CTRL + A (select all) in poza  - copy (CTRL+C) apoi in poza de baza "paste" (CTRL+V).

Astfel vom avea 3 poze diferite una peste alta.

Daca pozele sunt realizate conform recomandarilor de mai sus -  de acum totul e  "floare la ureche".

In screenshoot-ul de mai jos :

Background - e poza cu persoana in dreapta

Layer 1 - e poza cu persoana in stanga

Layer 2 - e poza cu persoana in mijloc

Astfel ca, Backgroundul poate ramane (e poza de baza), dar, din Layer 1 decupam portiunea care nu cuprinde persoana - prin  Ractangular Marquee Tool  *urmat de delete sau  Eraser Tool . Asa putem pastra din Layer 1 doar partea cu persoana (aproximativ) - Din Layerul 2 trebuie sa decupam marginile - pastrand o coloana pe mijloc - cea care cuprinde persoana pe mijloc.

*pentru decuparea persoanelor in parte putem folosi si lasso tool (L) - decupand tot aproximativ - persoana (din fiecare layer) - apoi SHIFT+CTRL+I (Select > Invert Selection) si delete.

Obiectiv : Fiecare Layer sa contina pe cat posibil doar persoana ... Backgroundul trebuie sa ramana integral.

Astfel vom avea un rezultat.

*in cazul in care nu ati respectat recomandarile - folositi tools din Photoshop pentru ajustarea greselilor.

Succes !

View the original article here

miercuri, 8 decembrie 2010

From #1 to #5: Top Ranked Web Design Resources

 We have ranked the top web design resources. This review page was done exclusively for our email subscribers. Ranking factors that were used are listed below each resource. We’ve also listed highlights for the top ranked resource in each category.

Hosting Resources:

Ranking factors: i) reliability; ii) speed; iii) cost; iv) technical support.

#1. HostNine – 9.97.  Highlights: only $3.95 per month and unlike all others we ranked, they don’t force you into a yearly contract. Terrific technical support as well.  Coupon “WebDesigner” gets you 30% off, which makes the hosting less than $2.8 per month.

#2. HostGator – 9.95

#3. FatCow – 9.89

#4. iPage – 9.88

#5. BlueHost – 9.74

Domain Resources:

Ranking factors: i) cost; ii) reliability; iii) customer support.

#1. GoDaddy – 9.98. Highlights: this registrar giant is the oldest and most reliable. Cheap .com’s at only $7.49 each.

#2. Domain.com – 9.79

#3. NameCheap – 9.77

#4. Moniker – 9.69

#5. 1&1 – 9.54

Twitter Resources:

Ranking factors: i) quality; ii) cost; iii) customer support.

#1. MarketMeTweet – 9.98. Highlights: best Twitter marketing tool to push your business forward. Allows for url branding, finding followers and more. Very inexpensive for the features you get.

#2. TweetAdder – 9.75

#3. SocialOomph – 9.42

#4. ValueTweets – 9.1

#5. TweetWhistle – 8.72

Icon Resources:

Ranking factors: i) quality; ii) cost; iii) customer support.

#1. IconFinder – 9.96. Highlights: more than 188,000 icons, very easy to use. This is the top icon site for web designers.

#2. IconShock – 9.75

#3. IconSeeker – 9.72

#4. IconsPedia – 9.34

#5. FreeIconsWeb – 9.20

Freelancing Resources:

Ranking factors: i) number of projects; ii) cost; iii) customer support.

#1. Elance – 9.98. You can get as much as 30% of your clients from this Freelancing site. Very easy to use.

#2. Freelancer – 9.89

#3. oDesk – 9.42

#4. Guru – 9.45

#5. iFreelance – 8.80

View the original article here

CMS pentru orice designer

Daca esti designer si nu ai foarte multe cunostinte de php (sau chiar deloc) ai doar doua variante ca sa multumesti clientul:

cauti un programator (coder) care sa aplice designul pe cod     SAUcauti un cms si incerci singur sa pui designul pe cod

Din exeprienta proprie va sugerez sa va cautati cateva cms-uri pe care sa le invatati mecanismul si sa stiti cum puteti aplica designul pe cod pana apare un client care cere ceva mai complicat decat un simplu site static.

CMS-urile cele mai folosite momentan sunt:

WordpressJoomlaDrupalTypo3e107CMS Made SimpleMamboZen CartOsCommerce

Cand cautati un cms trebuie sa raspundeti la cateva intrebari de baza

Scopul folosirii CMS-ului (blogging, publicare stiri, social network, vanzari etc)Functionalitatile CMS (tag clouds, forum, chestionare (polls), votari (rating), captcha,  wysiwyg editor, galerie foto, postari jobs, grafice etc)Compatibilitate intre CMS si optiuni hosting – versiune php, suporta MySQL, Oracle etc

Restul optiunilor tin strict de abilitatile si cunostintele voastre, cum ar fi:

Exista template-uri ptr respectivul CMS?Exista suport pentru respectivul CMS (forum, support contact etc)?Exista plugin-uri sau add-ons?

Dupa ce v-ati facut o lista cu ce anume doriti clar de la un CMS nu ramane decat sa cautati CMS- ul dorit. Site-ul pe care il folosesc cel mai des in alegerea CMS-ului este CMS Matrix - search-ul este destul de complex pentru a va ajuta in alegerea unui CMS.

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FlashMint Got Crazy!

FlashMint.com  is celebrating 5 years anniversary and offers amazing package of 50 templates worth $2500 for only $25. This means you can get a set of great products with 99% discount! The offer is limited within 7 days, hurry up to get your huge piece of birthday cake ;)

Th variety of the templates included is just astonishing. In the pack you get flash templates, flip flash book templates, facebook FMBL templates, jQuery and Wordpress themes, Joomla templates, ecommerce websites, professional business cards and flash components!


Posted by: admin

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Web designing courses- best institutes in Delhi Posted By : Sparsh Kumar

Today there is a huge rush for web designing courses due to rising demand of web designers in IT and other major field of Entertainment. Most of them are youngsters who have just passed out from college and school. To cater with the increasing demand for web designing courses you could come across many computer training institutes in Delhi and other cities of India. These computer institutes train students in designing graphic and layout for the website.

As a college pass out you often get bewildered and anxious which profession to opt for. If you are the one, full with innovative ideas with an artistic bend of mind, good creations and fair knowledge of computer then career in Web designing could be just right for you. Today the market is expanding at a great pace and this rising market invites lots of lucrative opportunities for web designers as well. Market here does not imply to only IT region but media, advertising agencies, Marketing firms, Educational institutes and government sector where web designers demand is soaring. They all required web designers for their website in order to spread their name and services world wide and for the rapid growth of their organization or institute.

To be a successful web designer it is very essential to get the right training from the right institute. There are many computer training institutes that make many false promises of providing best web designing course and excellent job placements. But, it is recommended not to get lured by these money-making institutes; you should first do your research properly in Internet then approach any web designing institute. Your web designing course should include following things- HTML, XHTML, PHP, SQL, CSS, coding Flash, Java and a thorough training in Abode Dream Weaver is essential for taking up your career to a new height. The basic eligibility for the course is school pass out or college pass out. If you area working professional who is willing to do web designing course for faster promotion then you may choose for evening classes or weekends classes. It is understandable that for a working individual it is not always possible to spare time from his daily schedule so some institute provide web designing training in weekends as well.

It is very imperative to choose recognized certification course in web designing because most of the companies prefer to hire candidates with recognized certification. The main job of a web designer is designing, web content writing and designing Flash. There is no second thought that rising market has opened number of vacancies for web designers but there is an aggressive competition for the job post as well. Companies can find innumerable job seekers for the web designing thus, if you wish to get in a big company you should get trained from well known institutes only. Listed below are some well known names in web designing institutes in Delhi-

- Gurukul digital Arts and Animation Studio
- Arena Animation Institute
- South Delhi Polytechnic for women
- Picasso Animation College
- Animation and Digital media Education Center.

Today all the big names in software companies (Infosys, Wipro, Cognizant, Microsoft, Smarttech, and IBM) are looking for well trained and qualified web designers. Article Directory : http://www.articlecube.com

Studyplanet.in is a leading B2B portal through which you can get updated information about Animation courses delhi and Computer training institutes delhi. To know more about our services, visit studyplanet.in.

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50 Magnificent Examples of Moleskin Art

Moleskin art is a form of art that employs any medium, style, or technique on moleskin surfaces. Moleskin is a dense cotton weave that comprises a surface ideal for writing, drawing, panting, or sketching. Moleskin journals are popular for their convenient size, trendy appeal, and the portability and quality for artists.

Moleskin journals have a long and colorful history. Moleskins have been used as war journals, as mind mapping journals for famous novelists, as sketch pads for famous artists and as meditations by famous philosophers. Moleskin journals were originally produced journals, with no intent to be an inspiration for its own brand of art. But inspiration has taken hold. Moleskin artists use the moleskin surface exclusively to paint, draw, create and produce masterpieces. It is not just a sketchpad. It is truly a launching pad for world-class masterpieces.

In this article I have gathered 50 magnificent diverse examples of of Moleskin Art for your inspiration.

Dustin Betonio begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting is a Translation Management graduate at University of Mindanao. His earlier career was devoted on customer service outside the information highway. Currently studying Law in the same University.

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marți, 7 decembrie 2010

Convertire imagini in ASCII

      Probabil ati vazut imagini ASCII foarte detaliate si complexe si v-ati intrebat cum se fac. Voi face si explica un script php prin care se pot obtine astfel de reprezentari ale imaginilor si va pun la dispozitie si un generator de imagini ASCII, acesta avand anumite limitari legate de dimensiunile imaginii pentru a nu solicita in mod exagerat serverul.
Imaginile astfel create vor fi formate din litere de diverse culori si pot fi transferate si in WORD sau alt editor de text. Pentru asta trebuie copiate din pagina unde sunt generate (ctrl+a), puse in word, iar foarte important este sa setati marimea fontului la 5 sau 6 pixeli si line spacing la 2 sau 3 (Format > Paragraph > Line spacing > Exactly > 2 sau 3 pixeli)[ms word 2003].

Convertor ASCI ->>

      Ce vom face este destul de simplu. Vom citi dimensiunile imaginii pe care dorim sa o convertim in cod ASCII, cu ajutorul a doua for - uri vom parcurge imaginea ca pe o matrice (pixel cu pixel), vom trece culoarea fiecarui pixel intr-o variabila si vom afisa pentru fiecare pixel un caracter de aceeasi culoare....
Toate acestea sunt posibile datorita a doua functii PHP: ImageCreateFromJpeg() si ImageColorAt(), functii care permit citirea culorii  unui anumit pixel daca stim coordonatele acestuia.
Scriptul va avea un singur fisier, index.php , imaginea va fi luata sprea a fi prelucrata dintr-un link prin metoda $_POST. Iata codul care transforma imaginile jpg in arta ASCII:

/* functia care citeste extensia imaginii */
function getext($filename) {
$pos = strrpos($filename,'.');
$str = substr($filename, $pos);
return $str;
/* daca nu este apasat butonul de submit afisam formularul, iar daca este  afisat  executam codul de  creare  a  imaginii ASCII */

$image = $_POST['image'];
$ext = getext($image); //punem extensia intr-o variabila
//verificam daca este jpg  
if($ext == ".jpg"){
$img = ImageCreateFromJpeg($image);
echo'Tipul Fisierului este gresit';
//citim dimensiunile imaginii
$width = imagesx($img);
$height = imagesy($img);
// am ales sa afisez din 6 in 6 pixeli     
for($h=0;$h<$height;$h++){ if($h%6==0) {
for($w=0;$w<=$width;$w++){ if($w%6==0) {
// trecem culorile fiecarui pixel in cate o variabila     
$rgb = ImageColorAt($img, $w, $h);
$r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
$g = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
$b = $rgb & 0xFF;
// afisam cate un caracter de culoarea pixelului
echo '#';
if($w >= $widthi){
echo '

Asta este codul. Puteti sa-i dati copy-paste si sa-l probati. Am ales sa afisez din 6 in 6 pixeli pentru ca in cazul afisarii pixel cu pixel codul generat va fi foarte foarte mare.
Am reusit astfel sa facem dint-o imagine JPG, o imagine din litere, caractere (#), care poate fi vizualizata in browser sau intr-un editor de text (ex. WORD), cum am explicat mai sus.
Va oferim si un exemplu al acestui script:


SURSA NOOB CE ESTI ;) Dak Copiezi Scrie Si Sursa www.tutorialul.ro Din Respect Pentru Admini


Ai o mare problema la cap sau doresti sa faci spam. tutorialul.ro cred ca este aparut mai tarziu decat acest articol care este scris de mine (codul imi apartine si el).

Voteaza acest articol!

Trimite un comentariu!

tutorial, photoshop, html, css, javascript, flash, php, mysql, grafica 3D, tutorial, coduri, scripturi, generator de coduri, cursuri php

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Next Day Flyers Giveaway – 100 CUSTOM Post Cards! Do not miss.

Hey guys, today I’m offering a postcard contest in conjunction with the company, Next Day Flyers. Postcards are great because there are so many different ways you can use them. For instance you could send out a holiday message to your customers. Or you could mail out a photo postcard of your family, letting the relatives see just how much older everyone is getting! Maybe you just moved into a new home, take a photo of your house put it on the front of the postcard and list your new address on the backside.  You could use them as thank you cards to thank customers for their loyal patronage, or they could be used to promote an event or a party. That’s the great thing about this contest, the prize can be customized to meet your needs.

The prize one lucky winner will receive is 100 4”x 6” printed postcards. They will be printed on 14 PT cardstock, which if you don’t know is considered thick in terms of a postcard. You’ll be able to have a full color design on the front side, the back side can be personalized with a message in black and white, or you can leave it blank. The prize will include next day printing service, meaning if you get your order in by 6pm PST, it’s ready to be shipped the next business day.  While we’re talking about shipping, the prize will be shipped via ground shipping anywhere in the Continental United States.

Next Day Flyers even has a ton of templates that you could use to create your postcards. Actually they have a multitude of other great products like brochures, business cards, and tickets. Hopefully we’ll have another giveaway with these guys soon, and you’ll have an opportunity to win something else in the near future.

To enter just leave a comment stating how you would personalize the postcards if you win.  A winner will be chosen and contacted via email. This contest will end in 1 week on 11-24-10 at 9 PM EST.

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Free Flash CMS Demo from FancyCMS

Earlier this summer FancyCMS flash developers team has announced the release of a desktop based flash CMS application. It is called FancyPlus, it’s awesome and it’s absolutely free! You can download FancyPlus software packed with a premium flash template right from their home website. The application will ask you to register before using it.

Reasons to use FancyPlus:

Not dependent on internet connection;Can edit multiple websites and save them as projects;Easy and fast built in publisher;WYSIWYG editor;E-commerce module;Free updates.

FancyCMS team is now busy developing new templates for their FancyPlus software, both free and premium ones. However the default template is enormously flexible, so you can customize almost anything – starting from your logo and up to template colors.

Download link: Download Demo
FancyCMS Homepage: Free Flash CMS

Posted by: admin

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My Planet Press

An Independent Publishing House specializing in Print-On-Demand Books, Audio CDs and Video DVDs. Promoting Educational, Instructional and Resource Materials.

Check it out!

Web Portal Development for a smooth and effortless service Posted By : Hampry

Web development service is the booming one among the many new and highly profitable business sectors in the World Wide Web. Undoubtedly the technology has brought a huge change in the business field through the internet. The development service of the web portals demands various processes to make the business legal one. The use of technology varies from service to service. Such development services just the main authority of many such services and developments in various fields over the internet. Just for an instance if you are in need of any kind of development in the field of legal business then you have get the huge access of technologies like PHP, AJAX, MySQL, CSS, HTML and JavaScript for a better result. Such applications will definitely enable you to keep and run legal firm listing throughout the nation. Such applications can include various innovative features with which you can get the clear knowledge to verify numerous subscriptions and even you can manage them all through some sponsored advertisement keeping a wonderful tabbing process for the payments. Such technical tools are really useful as they can help you to save time and cost as well while channelizing the energy for productivity.

Not only in the field of legal services you can get excellent results in terms of education, travel and internet related businesses. IT Enable Services can enhance the quality of your service that may be in field of education or for travel agency. You will definitely get some extraordinary results through such services. They can assist you to manage the database in a very efficient manner while maintaining the back end administrative operations. Even you can keep and continue with a tab on the educational modules and courses. Such a process became extremely easy and effortless while such technologies help and guide you. This is the benefit of customizing the web applications just for your website for the betterment of your internet business. Even such technologies can manage to file and store the record of the registered users while maintaining their payment and their subscriptions. Undoubtedly such applications make you service more smooth and effortless. It is recommended to get some professional development services to make your website perfect and easy to access. You need to give it proper CMS solutions otherwise you can never get the fun and excitement of the development service.

The design of your portal is an important task to have more success over the internet. It is the foundation of every successful website. You need to make your website a user friendly one. A well designed and technologically highlighted website is the main tool for any kind of Open source development. It is your responsibility to make the website so smooth that the visitors can go one page to another very effortlessly while navigating the information of their choices. Basically most of the portals keep the information in their links that may be on various topics incorporating news, business, sports, entertainment, finance, travel etc. even many personal portals keep various data including user's history data, profile information, emails and many more information. They are called the personal portals. The enterprise portals include corporate databases by using highly dynamic technologies and software. Such technologies really make the websites easily accessible for the users and even they can obtain various products and service without much effort and trouble. This can made the communication process very even and trouble free. Such well designed and technically sound portals facilitate enormously in doing transactions straightforwardly and in a flexible way as it can continue book-keeping and inventory keeping in a very resourceful manner. Article Directory : http://www.articlecube.com

www.aslogtech.com brings this post to you so that you can have the best development service to give your portal easy access and smooth and effortless service.

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luni, 6 decembrie 2010

Bewirb suchmaschinenoptimierte Verkaufsseiten

Endlich gibt es Verkaufsseitenlayouts für WordPress d. wirklich verkaufen, da sie vom erfolgreichen Internetmarketer und nicht von einem Webdesigner erstellt wurden. 24 erfolgserprobte Landingpage WordPress Themes. Umfangreiches Promomaterial und Support.

Check it out!

Creative and Futuristic Mobile Concepts We Could only Wish For

Technology is growing and evolving at a drastic rate. What is new today, is obsolete tomorrow. Lets be honest, we can never live without mobile phones. Its what we live and roam around with everyday to communicate all the time. As User Interaction becomes more and more demanding these days, the technology has to cope up.

Mobile phone business is one of the most rapid growing industries. Not so long ago, the popular and most awesome phone was Nokia 3310 with mere basic functions: call, text messaging and the only bearable game, snake. However, significant improvement has been made since then. Some phones have no buttons and are equipped with multi-touch screens, accelerometers, audio systems, video systems and hundreds of other media and productivity features. Perhaps the term ‘Smart Phones’ is a best way to describe them considering manner in which it is evolving. Today’s phone boasts in offering wide screen experience, surround sound, seamless integration, GPS, Video Conferencing etc.

But designers are bound to imagine what will the future look like. What we can expect from the next generation of handsets that will be available in the next 10 years? So, in this article I have showcased over 35 creative and futuristic cell phone concepts which will definitely amaze you and put your imaginative minds at work. Take a look.

The revolutionary approach lies in the fact, that a customer can model absolutely any shape of the mobile phone’s case, with absolutely any color and different patterning and pictures on it through an internet page with the help of a simplified scheme.

Piccolo Concept 1 cell phone received its design inspiration by Motorola, bringing a sexy and sleek concept that will definitely appeal to females.

Origami, a Motorola concept cell phone, is made of thin segmented “technostuff.”  It “can be folded into different forms to serve different functions: phone, recording device, camera, and, presumably, a pointy paper crane.

The designer, Mac Funamizu, drew on the Nokia Aeon to design a phone he would like to have, complete with Apple’s standard livery. Using a nondescript tactile feedback technology, its surface adapts to different purposes while the e-ink screen envelops the phone in graphics and information.

Designer Jakub Lekeš tries to push the limits of phone designing with his concept. This phone has many useful features. A sliding touch screen QWERTY keyboard is concealed under the display and there is a 4.3 megapixel autofocus camera with digital zoom support on the back. The most interesting feature is the side of the phone that shows the running track.

The Wrist Phone is a simple, non pretentious phone and is a very basic device that is devoid of the fancy stuff. This makes its cheap to manufacture and market. Another point in its favor is the portability factor; you can simply wrap it around your wrist. Leaving the connectivity issues aside, the phone has the potential to make its mark.

Check out the Eclipse Intuit Phone by Eddie Goh. It’s got all the basic stuff we’ve come to expect from our mobiles; powerful 5 megapixel camera with built-in software for editing and uploading to a photo album, slide-out touch keyboard with tactile feedback, and a nice big touchscreen front and center. What makes this concept unique is parts of the phone are made from a chemically based thin solar skin to charge the battery when exposed to any kind of light. We’ve recently seen patents from companies like Apple detailing this exact thing. It would seem the technology is viable and Eddie Goh isn’t too far off.

The Sony Simplicity Concept is a mobile phone, just a phone, nothing else. It’s made for people that don’t need the modern functions like SMS, Organizer, Camera, E-Mail, surfing and so on, it’s made for people that just want to communicate via phone. Just like in the good old days.

by Andrew Zheng, the handset is a thin slider with a touch screen on board and a physical button keypad. The unusual shape of the LG Traveler phone was created for better grip and this aspect gets enhanced. Thanks to rubbers grips on the side.

Created by Marc Schomann, sleek design with rotating qwerty keypad and lcd.

The LG Flutter will have an opportunity to be featured in a future blockbuster movie. The device opens up like a fan, as you can see in the image above and has a flexible OLED touch screen display that scrolls radically.

The Kambala is a mobile phone that transforms to an earphone as well. Pop the center piece and the earpiece clip pings out; clip this to your ear and you got a phone-earphone! Multilayered Polymer which hosts all the electronic components is used in its construction. A continuous flexi-screen with plenty of sensors makeup the surface and it has the ability to transmit the image on the inside of the phone to the outside.

An intriguing concept from NEC Design, this Tag Soft-Shell Mobile Phone shows how cumbersome carrying a phone in your pocket can be. Made of rubbery "shape-memorizing" material, the tag will bend and twist at your command.

The “Window Phone” makes accurate predictions and even changes its display to reflect the climatic conditions outdoors.

Kyocera’s EOS folding concept phone incorporates a flexible OLED screen, changing its form factor from a clamshell into something more closely resembling a wallet or clutch-purse.

The concept behind the Sticker Phone is quite simple; most of us tend to place our mobile phone near windows for better signal reception. So this concept takes it a step further by adding a solar panel to the back of the phone and giving it a slight arch so that it can stick (via suction) to the window glass for some sunshine.

LG concept phone called Helix, a device that can also be used as a slap bracelet worn on the owner’s wrist. LG Helix comes with flexible circuits, a touch screen display and the concept device is made out of rubber and black stainless steel. You can attach the handset to the belt, through a magnetic charger and use the kinetic energy generated by the user to power up the cell phone.

The trend in concept phones these days is turning retro, which is why we have the “Dial” reminisce the era of the round-dials on phones. The difference however lies in the present concept being touted as a fashion accessory that can be crafted in the metal of choice; giving you the luxury of being, chic, sporty, or uber-rich. A projected light beam in the inner circle impersonates the rotary dial, but to dial a number you need to simply touch it. Quite interesting.

Motorola has come up with a new concept of Motorola Sparrow. A concept conceived to provide retail stores with a mobile point of sale device. The Motorola Sparrow is an all-in-one device that combines a scanner, RFID, point of sale (POS) system, communication and credit card reading capabilities. Equipped with touch sensitive areas, the front and back of the Motorola Sparrow makes it easy to navigate and use.


BaseKit Review And GIVEAWAY

 Today we have another exciting giveaway for our loyal WebDesignDev readers. Our giveaway comes from BaseKit.

***THIS GIVEAWAY HAS ENDED***. Thank you all who commented.

To enter: post a comment about why you need to build a website followed by why you want to use BaseKit. The first 10 to leave their comments will win.

A few words about our sponsors:

It seems that every few weeks another web application comes along promising to revolutionize the entire world. Occasionally they do, but most don’t quite have the impact they promise and some just fizzle out.

BaseKit don’t want to revolutionize the entire world. What they want to do is make life easier for those who are unable to code or don’t want to. Unlike before, they can build a website with maximum design in minimum time.

BaseKit allows you to create a website in Photoshop, so that designers can illustrate their creative flair to its full potential without being restricted by the boundaries of coding. They’ve found that creating a great looking Photoshop design is the fun part of building a site. Slicing, turning it into code, adding functionality, uploading to a server and actually getting it online isn’t so great.

BaseKit takes that process and makes it as simple as possible. It’s as straightforward as flattening your PSD, splitting it into named layers and uploading it to BaseKit.

You can also drag fully functional widgets such as galleries, forms, Twitter feed, videos etc into the site, edit the design on the fly and publish to the web with two clicks. Your site is now online and the code is W3C web compliant.

Recently they launched their Plastic release with great functionality improvements, such as new Embed Widget, which allows you to embed your own Javascript code (or other HTML) directly onto your BaseKit page. In addition, you can easily embed 3rd party widget (from providers like Google or Widgetbox), or craft your own widgets directly in BaseKit. Furthermore, you can also add scripts to the header or body of your site by visiting the Page Options lightbox. The Embed widget opens up BaseKit to a full range of services like E-commerce, AdSense, music players and more.

Check out this video for a better look at what BaseKit can do.

They are offering a set of 10 vouchers of Plus account for £1 month over 3
months worth £30. A plus account enables you to build 3 websites with
unlimited pages, 1GB storage and your own domain. To enter post a
comment about why you need to build a website followed by why you
want to use BaseKit
. The first 10 to leave their comments will win.

View the original article here

Website Design Company The Right Way to Make Your Business Prosperous Posted By : Ritesh Gujrati

Growth of internet has changed the face of today`s business and people are finding web as the best platform to promote their product and services in a cost-effective way. Thus, website has become an important and foremost medium for organizations to interact with the consumers. An online site allows organizations to quickly reach the targeted consumers and inform them about their utilities in a useful way. It is an effective tool to grasp the large business opportunities available on the internet and to earn maximum benefits.

But just possessing a site does not serve the purpose. One should have a professional, informative and attractive website for their business to increase the amount of traffic and visitors on the web page. Putting loads of images, high graphics, flash ads or banners on a web page, will slower the downloading of the site making your visitors irritated and lead to bounce them from your website. The things that make an impressive website are layouts and designs. The effectiveness of a site is dependent on the navigation system, font size, color scheme and most importantly text.

The web sites with good graphics and interesting features attract users. Thus, it is essential that the website should have clear visibility, easily assessable and the content enclosed have the information relevant to the site. Moreover, the optimization of the site is also needed to make your website visible on popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. Combination of all these services is important for overall website development.

In this cut-thought competition it’s really impossible to do all things alone; you need a specialist for each and every work. A best web design India understands your overall business need and designs your website accordingly. Proficient and experienced Website Design Company dedicates needed time in crafting the site design, prepare layouts that are practical and develop a well-structured commercial site. Use of flash, CSS, Html coding etc are some other methodologies adopted by skilled Web Design Company to make the sites appealing and eye-catching.

A strong web presence is very important in today’s times to increase your business. Thus it’s essential to choose the right web design firm for successful completion of your deeds. Whether you want to start a new website or redesign your existing site, website design India is the best place for all your web-based needs and provide you the complete website development solutions at the most affordable prices. Article Directory : http://www.articlecube.com

Ritesh Gujrati has 5 years experience in technical writing and written many articles for the India`s top web design firm. i2k2 Networks is a renowned Website Design Company providing best, reliable and affordable web services that meets the industry needs.

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sâmbătă, 4 decembrie 2010

Complete Webhosting Business Structure by AtomBull

Start Your Own Webhosting Business even within 15 minutes! Complete Webhosting Business Structure, in other words - all you to start a successful webhosting business, including billing automation and support systems, website and contents.

Check it out!

vineri, 3 decembrie 2010

New Release of WP-Answers – Turn WordPress Into a Question and Answer Website

I just learned that there is a new release of WP-Answers available. I reviewed it some time ago and will only focus on the news in this short update. So what is WP-Answers all about? Basically visitors to your website can register and ask questions and then other members on the site can answer these questions. Then once the person who asked the question have got a solution he or she picks the best answer and the question is marked as solved. Then over time a library of Q&As will be gathered adding valuable solutions to new visitors. The way it works some would say it is a bit like a forum. The main difference however is that WP-Answers is highly focused on the process of solving a problem. Good solutions to common problems your readers may have is instant value on the table and this will increase traffic for sure. If you have a blog already a Q&A feature may be a great way to build a stronger community and add more interesting content related to your niche – all on autopilot.

The standard theme for WP-Answers already looks great and can be changed easily to fit your needs as with any other WordPress theme. Check the examples in my previous review.

All form fields styled with CSSLost Password PageCategory RSS Feed fixedTags submission fixedImages for backgrounds reduced, more css used insteadEmail sent on signup.PNGs used for button imagesEmail field added to Contact pagePagination added

The new admin panel look really great and is easy to use. Facebook and twitter integration has been added and is managed from here.

New Admin PanelFacebook Connect addedTwitter Oauth addedEmail template configuration addedUser cant reply to own questionsuser cant select own answer as best answerEmpty comments problem fixedBetter error handling

If you consider this type of functionality on your blog you should check out the live demo on their site.

View the original article here

Wix Review: Create an Amazing Website Using Wix

Wix Review: Create an Amazing Website Using Wix Posted on 03. Dec, 2010 by Web Design in Flash

We have been very pleased after reviewing Wix, a free flash website builder. Most website builders do not deliver, but Wix is much different. With Wix you can create your own website with ease without adding even a single line of code. The admin panel is built with a beautiful, graphic drag & drop interface and allows for total creative freedom. Choose from 1000's of professionally-designed web templates or create a website from scratch. If you want to create a site from scratch, it’s extremely simple to add items like titles, logos, clip art, photo galleries and more as you go. Publish in 1-step and your site is live online. Another huge benefit of Wix is that all sites built with Wix are search engine friendly. We can honestly say that this is the best website builder that we have seen to date.

Click Here To Sign Up For Wix For Free

Check out some of the websites built with Wix:

Big John’s Mountain Grill used the website builder to create a mouth-watering, eye-catching free Flash website, with Flash animation, automated photo galleries, beautiful sliding page transitions and high-contrast text and logos. This website makes a powerful impression on its visitors and is an excellent tool for promoting and enhancing the restaurant’s brand

The designers of Excelsior Comics took full advantage of the latest design elements offered by Wix. Their free Flash website uses a dynamic combination of Flash design elements, and HTML widgets, resulting in a visually stimulating, highly interactive website.

Cherie Michels, the creator of Munkybuns, used Wix to make a free website to showcase her hand-made creations and offer them for sale. The playful look of the Munkybuns sock toys is replicated in the design of the Munkybuns site.

Immortal Tattoo used the Wix website builder for their business website. Watch videos of the artists at work, and check out photos of their remarkable creations.

Animation artist and cinematographer Torgeir Ensrud used the Wix website creator to show off his talent. Have fun exploring the depths of his dark universe.

Wix’s website builder enabled Samuel Vernon Crowder to create his graphic design site, Really Big Snowman. Watch animation videos and visit the artist’s blog.

This organization expertly combined Wix’s free website design elements to get its message across. Jump into the color world created by this visionary group.

Gotham Sport Management’s impressive Flash website is another one of more than 4 million websites built with Wix. It uses design and sound to convey professionalism and class. Visit their website and see for yourself.

You should also know that Wix.com itself is built using their website builder. What are you waiting for? Sign up for free and make an amazing website using Wix.

View the original article here

Why web page designs of AcumenCS work Posted By : Charles Alfred

Clients from the US, the European Union and rest of the world keep coming back to Acumen Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd., an ISO 9001: 2008 web development company in India, for getting their web pages designed.

The web designs of AcumenCS do work.

Why? For:

They Keep It Simple

Your web page has to be attractive but simple. Users won’t be drawn to your site by cute designs alone, but what the page tells and how easily it tells that. AcumenCS brings this maturity in web designs so that your pages effectively communicate to your customers within their short attention span. Designs should be complementary to your content rather than overriding.

Their pages load fast

AcumenCS never creates lengthy pages so that it takes a long time to download. Users, especially first time visitors, don’t like to wait for even 30 seconds for a page to load. Therefore, AcumenCS uses images only sparingly, and keep the logo size small: small logos look smarter and more professional as well. The navigation links are kept simple too.

Nested tables a no-no

Tables inside tables or rather nested tables as well as long vertical tables slow down a web page too. AcumenCS thus designs web pages like tables stacked over one another which gives the impression of faster loading: as a table on the top of another table starts loading, the user gets to read it while the table below downloads.

Backward Compatibility

AcumenCS values backward compatibility i.e. compatibility with previous versions, which is very important as regards retaining users of previous generations who constitute a major part of net users.

Information above the fold

AcumenCS designs web pages so that the exact information the user is looking for is above the fold. Above the Fold means that section of the web page which can be viewed without scrolling down. The information above the fold should lead your potential customers to scroll down the page.

Home pages keeping users interested

Your home page is your first impression to users. Users visit sites looking for useful information. They may be first time visitors who may have found you in the Google search engine while looking for a service related to you. They will have plenty of options of similar sites before them. Therefore, you have to inform the users fast. Important parts of text that will draw users into your site should be emboldened. Searching for useful information on your site should be easy for your users. They won’t like to sift through cluttered texts for the information they are looking for, and will rather choose to click their way out of the site. If it doesn’t suit the nature or theme of your site, don’t use splash screens and the sort, for they deny the click away access to your home page. AcumenCS keeps all this in mind while designing your home page.

Headlines and Subheadings

Use them. For they are instrumental in making users read further. They should be like overviews giving fair enough idea of the overall site.

60-70-character text line

Wide texts running through the full length of the computer screen are disconcerting and AcumenCS avoids them always.

http://acumensofttech.com/more_web_promotion.htm Article Directory : http://www.articlecube.com

Charles Alfred is the contributing writer of Acumen Consultancy Services. He is specialized in writing articles about web development company .

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